Exercise 18: Balancing the Breath

Begin by doing your spin, and a short, one-footed balance. Allow yourself to begin to notice communication, and the flow of information between your mind and your body. Allow your mind to have its say and allow other parts of you to have their say.

In this exercise you may be seated or standing or lying. This is a breathing exercise that involves short, stattacato-like rapid breaths.

1. Inhale slowly and hold. Then exhale in short bursts and hold. Repeat 2 times.

2. Inhale in short bursts, and hold. Then exhale slowly and hold. Repeat 2 times.

3. Inhale in short bursts, and hold. Then exhale in short bursts and hold. Repeat 2 times.

4. Inhale slowly, hold, exhale slowly hold.

These 4 parts, done 3 times each, equal one round. If you choose to you may do 3 rounds.

The object here is to fill your lungs in a relaxed state, hold, and then release the breath. This will allow you to achieve different states of being. This exercise is excellent for help people release attachments to substances like drinking, or drugs. These different ways of breathing open creative channels and states of relaxation. Ultimately it is possible to enter ecstacy through them.

Breathing represents the one thing that connects you with all things. It is the one thing that mind trusts will be done without its intervention. And because of that, breath provides great opportunity to explore connections of Mind-Body-Spirit.

Breath allows energy to move and flow back and forth across time and space.